Eyes look here and there. Millions of thoughts cross the mind. Why? How? Where? What? The tussle inside has started.
Memories start swirling the hot cup. Ghosts from the past make their appearance. Trying to help me remember the lesson learnt. The lesson that a tempt moment makes you forget.
Then suddenly the lesson is remembered. Just like the Chai at that moment, something very warm is felt inside.
You are not a slave. Neither to the mind nor to the grind. You are what you choose to be. No one. No one can make you feel whatever unless you choose to getting felt that way.
The questions start to disappear just as the Chai starts too.
In the end, something has precipitated, like the brown sugar that survived the trials in the cup. A Smile, an hope and a memory of Johnnie Walker line that says, " Keep Walking."