Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Alchemist

The art of Alchemy is ancient. Simply defined, it’s the process of turning lead in Gold. There is a solution/stone that when touched with, the thing turns in gold. Pioneering the same is a person called as an Alchemist.
Though Coelho’s book teaches us the moral of following our dreams, there is something else that we should understand from it. Reading between the lines, we observe that every human being in his/her life meets an Alchemist- A person who turns that lead of a person, into gold. But that comes after his destiny as a “lead” is fulfilled. Everyone/Everything has to fulfill his destiny. Before that, no matter what you do, you will not be able to transform yourself.
But the law of nature is very rewarding. It lets you meet your alchemist at that very time when your destiny as lead has been fulfilled. Then he comes, with a philosopher’s stone and touches you. The transformation is not easy. Shedding old characteristics and donning new one, is not a cakewalk. It takes tremendous persistence, patience and belief in the alchemist to help you transform into gold.
Every one has that luxury, but not the wisdom.

It takes an open mind to know who your alchemist is. It teaches your one lesson: never underestimate anyone. Who knows, he might be your “Alchemist.”

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


1. Shakespear once said " What's in the name?"
I repeat" Whats in the name, as long as i get your number right."

2. Never say the phrase, " Its a different ball-game" when you are with a woman.

3. If we most of the time we are finding solutions to organize things, why is a company called an "Organization" ?

4. Why is it called a "Beauty Parlor", when most of the people going over there are not beautiful?

Do you have anything to add?