Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Final Three Flatteners

Dude! Finally finished the chapter. As much as I am mesmerized by the content, I still feel that Tom has gone a little overboard giving credit to certain American companies for flatteneing the world. Anyway's the gist of the matter is that World has flattened and the last 3 factors also contribute to the same:
8) In-Sourcing:- No. Its not anti-outsourcing. In-Sourcing typically refers to a process og the vendor going down deep into the client's infrastructure and streamlining the process to create horizontal value. The depth of the realtions cant be quantamized, but it comes to a point where you cant make out who's working for whom. Here we take example o UPS. Well, to tell you, I love UPS's tag-line - "Your commerce, Synchronized." Tom says, they have been living up to it. Not only are the synchronizing the globa supply chains round the word, they have embedded themselves in client's internal structure also. Then it gives them a chance run the buisness as their own. They are responsible for cutting delivery time, repair downtime and saving millions with in inventories by synchronised shipping. What a world we are living in!
9) In-Forming: - Our world, Googled! The main theme of this flattner circles round the process of availibilty of information at the fingertips of anyone, anywhere in this world. Type three ingredients in Google, and they will give you a recipe of it. And this has given a new boom to the aspect called reality. Tom says, in a flat world no one can hide, even if they can run. He quotes Mark Twain; "Always tell the truth, so you dont have to remember what you have told." May be by now, we should get a lesson that World has shriked, and so has information availibilty time.
10) Steroids: - It all ends with the kind of technologioes that make this flattening all the more efficient. He talks about the ipods and the ipaq's and mobiles acting as credit cards. How much our world has shrinked and accerelated by these "Steroids". Its just amazing to have life-like video conferences and save millions of dollars in travelling. He ends the chapter with an example of Rolls Royce engines fitted in Boeing. They are built with an automatic tracking chips which talk to a mainframe computer at Rolls Royce. That way they can tap real time data and help the planes to efficiently manage the engines in cases of problems like a lightining strike.
It's a must-read book, I feel so.
And I would specially like to mention four lines that accurately silhouette the globalization era:
" In the midlands of Africa lives a Gazelle and a Lion
The Gazelle wakes of every morning and knows that he must run to save his life otherwise he will be eaten by a lion.
The Lion wakes up every morning and knows that he must run to catch the Gazelle otherwisehe will starve today.
It doesnt matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle, the thing you should remember is always to keep running."

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