Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Love hath arrived....

Well if you are looking for an answer to the question, "what is love?", please hit Crtl+ Alt+Del right now. And I suggest you pick up a Eric Segal or an equivalent Mills and Boon. I don't know what love is. Or rather, I don't what love means to you. The thought here is purely personal.

For me love just means happiness of the person you love. Unprejudiced, unbiased. Its easier said than done. Because It's very hard to love someone without judging them for what they are.

Think for a moment that love is like a sunrise. Do you possess the sunrise? No. Do you judge it for what it is? No. What you do is just bask in it and feel the brilliance on you. And then feel gratitude for it being in your life.
Love is more or less like it.

More because it doesn't take place at a certain time of a day. More because it fills your heart with radiance to such a level that you don't want to posses the person you love. More because it shows you twilight before it rises completely on a relationship.

Less because it may not be as bright as the sunrise but it certainly gives you warmth. Less because though it doesn't rise and set, it makes you soar and swerve. Less because even if it doesn't have a sense of direction, the only way it knows is true north.

For me love will always there as long as the heart is beating. And may be even after it stops. I don't expect love in return because love is not a trade. It's gift from the human upstairs to the person I love. I am only a medium. Love is what makes two souls connect even when their bodies are miles apart. It's what eyes say that the words can never explain. It's in the touch that you long for.Love is pointless.

In jealousy, lust, possessiveness love's labor is lost. Those are like the dark clouds on the bright sunrise. Ironically those clouds have a silver lining too. So is the power of love.

Love gives me the power to tide away the darkest clouds to bring back the sunlight. For me , love never wins because it's never in the game. It's a silent cleanser of heart's which knows no games, no wars and no battles.

So , tonight hold your loved one tightly. Look in their eyes, kiss them, tousle their hair. Tonight, let the tears flow from the heart because love has filled it to the brim. Tonight let the hands bring the warmth like the sunrise. And tonight, thou shalt know that love hath arrived.

Thou shalt know that love hath arrived...


1 comment:

Aruna said...

Wow..nice one!!