Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Passion and Professionalism-II

Here we continue our discussion. Ironically, it comes on the same day when I complete exact one year in my current organization.16th August. I remember, being punctual on the first day. I guess a little over punctual. The excitement was tremendous. My first job as a Manager. From that day I have not lost my professionalism. But sure my passion has a taken a downslide. Reasons are immaterial, but when it happens, it doesnt seem the right place for you to continue.
I passionately work in this organization. It's problems were my problems. I carried them home with me and thought about it all the time. But recently they have not cropped up. They have left me and so have the challenges. The work seems monotonous because somewhere I am not able to identify myself with the work that I am doing. In a nutshell, I am just doing my job.
But then it stagnates growth as it makes life devoid of challenges, hurdles. The very thing that tests you. It might seem like a rut at first, but believe me, its the fuel that burns the fire of ambition.
I hopeyou got my point. My suggestion will always be to work with passion, profesionalism will automatically follow.

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