Thursday, September 28, 2006

Traffic Jam

I live in a city called Pune (Maharashatra, India). The city roads (a.k.a potholes) are crude and traffic is huge. The result: a traffic jam almost at every crossroad or signal.
Yesterday, victimized by this, i put my thinking cap on. An interesting analogy started evolving by what I am or probably everyone is going through; in traffic and in life.

Traffic Life
Type Vehicles forming a bottleneck at a crossroad or signal blocking smooth commuting of the vehicles. Thoughts forming a bottleneck at a decisions point blocking smooth functioning of the task.
Vehicle Maximum idle time which draws more fuel and cuts overall efficiency. Maximum non-productive thoughts draw more stress and cut the overall thinking power of the brain.
Rush Everyone trying to get a slice of the road and move forward. The result again result in a mini-traffic jam which further delay. EverybodyĆ¢��s ambitious and wants to move ahead without knowing where they are standing. The result is fierce competition everywhere.
Rat-Race As and when the traffic opens, look how the vehicles will try to overtake each other. Honking horns and polluted surroundings. The jealousy creeps in and we size each other on the possessions we have. Stressed hearts and polluted minds.
Multi-Lane Every size and type of the vehicle has a lane. The big task is to stick to the same regardless of who is driving besides you. God has made everyone unique. The big task is to identify what you are made of and remain loyal to it without trying to change yourself. Stick to your lane!

P.S - This is the intial draft. It will be refined in due course of time as and when I hit the nail. Do leave your comments or suggessions behind. It will help better me.


Pellucidity said...

Interesting thought. A profound one I must say!

Anonymous said...

If you want to share your views as well as thoughts on pune road traffic
join an online forum on indian road i have can visit on this track

Hope it will help you a lot:)