Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Stockholm Syndrome

Life at times is very funny. You tend to think that everything is normal. I mean what possibly be wrong with a healthy indivdual, with a good income and aspirations? But normality is relative. What seems normal to me, may not be to you. I have reached to one conclusion: The root casue of all our misries is our inability to let-go ossomething/somebody. Thousand times more a crime has been committed in the name of love than hate. See the assaults, the rapes, the extra marital affairs, what can we conclude from this?
That day I read an amazing quote. It goes " An optimist thinks we live in the best of two worlds, A pessimist believes its true."
But life in totality is beautiful. Look at the water-droplets in the slashing rains on your helmet, think the last time you drank cofffe by the balcony when with pitch cold outside, remember that warm hug a loved one gave your when you needed only that.
Why human beings behave in a certain way, no one will ever know. But one thing is for sure, living life is very very simple.
Simple but diffcult.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here are some latest links to sites where I found some information: http://google-machine.info/3023.html or http://googleindex.info/1375.html