Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Veronika Decides to Die

The Private Equity and VC investements touched a whooping 3.4 bn $.That too in the first 2 quarters of the year. I think India is really on the global road-map. But the flip of side is, is it really? You look at the drainage systems in Mumbai, the infrastructure in Bangalore and Pune. Do you feel India is internationalizing? I dont, seriously. The petrol have touched sky-high.
Manmohan singh says that route to prosperity is through the rural areas. But here the farmers are committing suicides! Now they want to come up with something called "Corporate Farming." I think these guys should just leave the jargons aside and start something at the ground level. Agriculture revolution is what is needed.
Talking about revolution I came up with an interesting concept. I guess all revolutions are started by Parties. Parties as in gala affairs or get-togethers. Ironically, what is you think that is best might soon become what is worst. Then shall we term as anything that is best in our lives?
"A 24 year old girl. Beautiful, intelligent and normal. Veronika. One fine day she decided to commit suicide and lands in a mental asylum. There the doctors tell her she has only 4 days to live. "
This is the brief synopsis of the Paulo Cohelo's book "Veronika decides to die." I am currently reading it. Sounds boring doesnt it? I thought likewise at first. But I am 80 pages through and loving it. It has all the ingredients to come into one of my favorites. Think about this sentence from his book and let me know if you can decipher it: "It doesnt matter who is correct, it only matters who is right."

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